From 10 Questions to Compelling Lead Magnet

The easiest way to create a lead magnet that makes them pay attention next time you show up
Starting at $59
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A bad lead magnet is like a bad first date

If that first date sucks, a next date is just not going to happen.

You don't show up for a first date straight from the gym. You clean up, dress up and put your best foot forward. After all, if things go well, you want that second date, right?

Unfortunately, most lead magnets don't lead to a second date.

They don't provide real value. And they don't look too good, either. You had high expectations, but the experience didn't impress you.

Those first impressions are lasting.

Once someone's decided they don't want a second date, they won't be looking at you again. Ever. You've lost them.

Creating a compelling lead magnet isn't easy

And it shouldn’t be. In fact, your lead magnet is how new leads decide whether they’re going to pay attention next time you show up in their inbox.

A good lead magnet will:

  • Be valuable to them
  • Showcase your expertise
  • Look good
  • Make them look forward to hearing from you again

This can be difficult. And time-consuming. Especially if you don’t even know where to start.

But help is at hand.


From 10 Questions to compelling lead magnet

A step-by-step guide with examples, templates and a checklist to create a compelling lead magnet that showcases your expertise and pays back for years.
In this guide I show you exactly how to craft 10 questions, based on your expertise and experience, and turn it into a self-assessment lead magnet that delivers value, insight and attention.

Showcase your expertise

You’re an expert at what you do. Take the top 10 things you see people do wrong, and show your readers how they can avoid those problems. This establishes your expertise and insight. Next time they come across the problem, who will they think of first? (You, of course!).

Every step made easy

The guide takes you step-by-step through all the things you need to do to create a compelling (and good-looking) lead magnet. From crafting the questions to using pre-built templates to make it look good, to creating a PDF, through to the read-aloud and end user tests.

No worrying about what to say

Or how to say it. You already have the expertise. You know what works and what doesn’t. Craft the questions and I will show you how to add the wisdom that showcases your expertise and insight.

Bite-sized chunks

If you’re strapped for time, don’t worry. The whole process is broken down into bite-sized steps so you can work on it when you have time. (And the checklist keeps track of what you still need to do.)

Multiple uses

When you’re done, you have a PDF you can use as a lead magnet on your website, offer at networking events, give away as a freebie, and advertise on social media. (And don’t forget your mom—she will love it too.)

Pretty built in

If you’re not a designer, don’t worry. There are two styles of templates with formatting that makes it look good. I even show you how to modify the formatting so you can make it your own.